Лого - Артстрой 1 Инвестмънт 


Artstroy 1 Investment® operates as an investment company within the real estate sector. It is an integral part of the Artstroy Group® family, an investment and shareholder company with established traditions and a forward-looking vision, that has been operating for over 24 years on the Bulgarian market. All companies within the Group place a strong emphasis on professionalism, established standards, and quality at all stages of their operations. Since its inception, Artstroy Group® has successfully cultivated a robust brand identity within the Bulgarian market. With its high-quality execution and professional approach to clients, the company has become one of the leading constructions companies. To improve management and optimize the corporate structure of the company, it has been restructured into three main divisions, one of which is Artstroy 1 Investment®.

  • 2000
  • 2017
  • 2017
  • 2017


The primary activity of Artstroy 1 Investment® focuses on researching and investing in the construction of real estate properties. Some of the activities of Artstroy 1 Investment® include pre-project research, marketing, sales, and professional consultation for clients, assistance with document processing in property transactions, all of which are part of the company's portfolio.

Our Vision

We strive to provide a higher standard of living. By purchasing apartments or other real estate properties from us, you will have the opportunity to acquire a quality residence and a cozy home tailored to your needs and requirements. Whether you decide to make a purchase for living or investment purposes, we will ensure that you are satisfied with your choice!

Our Mission 

We are here to help you make the best choice for your residence. Our mission is to assist our clients in making the most of the opportunities we offer.

Our Values 

•    Professionalism - We uphold high standards of professionalism in all aspects of our business, treating our clients, partners, and employees with respect and responsibility. 
•    Quality - We are dedicated to continuous improvement and high standards of quality in the solutions and products we offer, aiming to enhance the satisfaction and trust of our clients. 
•    Teamwork - We value teamwork and collaboration among our employees and partners. We believe that cooperation and the exchange of knowledge create a stronger and continually evolving environment. 
•    Innovation - We look to the future and encourage innovation within our industry. We boldly seek new and more effective ways to achieve success and address challenges for our clients and our business.

Offices of Artstroy 1 Investment:

 Office in Burgas:
98 Alexandrovska Street, 1st floor.
Contact office assistant: 056 828 458, +359 886 555 499
email: office@artstroy.eu 


 Office in Sofia:
53 Nikola Vaptsarov Blvd., 2nd floor.
Contact office assistant: +359 889 855 330
email: d.hristova@artstroy.eu

Contact for inquiries and information about properties for sale:

Toll-free phone for inquiries related to properties owned by Artstroy 1 Investment®: +359 (0) 800 20 888
Mobile phone for inquiries: +359 (0) 886 611 666
E-mail: sales@artstroy.eu

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